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Brazilian Political Parties

Last modified: 2003-07-05 by joe mcmillan
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We had in Lusovex a relatively long process of gathering information about and making images of the flags used by Brazilian political parties. The information comes from my own surfing the web on the sites of these parties, a few television sightings and Carlos Noronha's local knowledge.
Jorge Candeias, 28 April 1999

Index of Brazilian Political Parties

The abbreviations shown in boldface are those of the parties registered in the Brazilian High Electoral Court (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral) as of April 1999, according to Almanaque Abril:
AIB Ação Integralista Brasileira Brazilian Integralist Action
PCO Partido da Causa Operária Party of the Working Cause
PAN Partido dos Aposentados da Nação Party of the Nation's Retired
PCB Partido Comunista Brasileiro  Brazilian Communist Party
PC do B Partido Comunista do Brasil  Communist Party of Brazil
PCML Partido Comunista Marxista-Leninista Marxist-Leninist Communist Party
PDT Partido Democrático Trabalhista  Democratic Labor Party
PF Partido Federalista  Federalist Party
PFL Partido da Frente Liberal Liberal Front Party
PGT Partido Geral dos Trabalhadores General Party of the Workers
PL Partido Liberal Liberal Party
PMDB Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement
PMN Partido da Mobilização Nacional  Party of National Mobilization
PNC Partido Nacional do Consumidor National Consumers Party
PPB Partido Progressista Brasileiro Brazilian Progressive Party
PPS Partido Popular Socialista  Popular Socialist Party
PRN Partido Renovadora Nacional Party of National Renewal
Prona Partido da Reedificação da Ordem Nacional Party of the Reconstruction of  National Order
PRP Partido Republicano Progressista Republican Progressive Party
PRTB Partido Renovador Trabalhista Brasileiro Brazilian Renewer Labour Party
PSB Partido Socialista Brasileiro Brazilian Socialist Party
PSC Partido Social Cristão Social Christian Party
PSD Partido Social Democrático Social Democratic Party
PSDB Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira Party of  Brazilian Social Democracy
PSDC Partido Social Democrata Cristão Social Democratic Christian Party
PSL Partido Social Liberal Social Liberal Party
PSN Partido da Solidariedade Nacional Party of National Solidarity
PST Partido Social Trabalhista Social Labor Party
PSTU Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado Unified Worker's Socialist Party
PT Partido dos Trabalhadores  Workers Party
PTB Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro Brazilian Labor Party
PT do B Partido Trabalhista do Brasil Labor Party of Brazil
PTN Partido Trabalhista Nacional National Labor Party
PV Partido Verde Green Party

Jorge Candeias, 28 April 1999
Updated by Joseph McMillan, 5 November 2002